Venn Life Sciences offers drug development consultancy and services to help bring products to the market quickly and efficiently.
From the early phases of drug development through marketing authorisation, efficient and effective regulatory interactions are essential to your progress and success. These exchanges will not only shape the advancement of your program but also the value of your asset and company. Therefore, it...
The European Clinical Trials Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 536/2014) on clinical trials on medicinal products for human use requires that for all clinical trials carried out in the EU, a sponsor or a legal representative of the sponsor must be legally registered within the...
Venn Data Management services/capabilities span the data life cycle from collection to archival using regulatory-compliant tools that ensure data integrity and adherence to industry standards. Our experienced, agile and cohesive team of clinical data managers ensure a seamless flow from first patient in to...
By offering tailored solutions with a strong focus on quality, our clients can keep a track on timelines, and costs are kept to a minimum. Our statisticians provide statistical support along the full development cycle of the drug, from early development to post-marketing studies,...
To appropriately manufacture a pharmaceutical or biological product, a well-defined drug substance and product, manufacturing process and test methods must be developed in order to ensure that the product is safe, effective and consistent between batches. Which is a prerequisite to get regulatory approval...
The success of drug development programmes depends on the accuracy, readability, and reviewer-friendliness of the documentation. Our team of seasoned medical writers, all of whom have a scientific or medical background, are at your disposal. With a broad experience in the development of documents...
This enables us to create, plan and execute drug development programmes effectively for our global customers, ranging from virtual start-up companies to established pharma companies. Venn’s capabilities and expertise includes CMC, Non-Clinical, Clinical Pharmacology and Development, Statistics, Study Design and Methodology, Data Management, RTSM...
In drug development, a solid clinical development strategy, implemented at an early stage of product development, is crucial to guide the success (and cost-effectiveness) of product development. Understanding the kinetics of a drug, including absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination, as well as its biochemical...
Non-clinical testing is conducted throughout all phases of drug development to assess the safety profile and pharmacokinetic/toxicokinetic (PK/TK) characteristics of drug candidates. If performed well, it can identify key ‘knock-out’ criteria, maximizing the chances of success in subsequent stages of development. Strategies for the...